Children's Corner

Jesus said, Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14

Boiling Springs United Methodist Church is committed to providing a safe and caring environment. To ensure the safety of all children, all staff supervising children pass a law enforcement background check in compliance with UMC Safe Sanctuary Policies. BSUMC staff also monitor areas through security cameras to keep all areas safe and secure.

We offer age-appropriate classes and activities that guide infants through 5th grade in their journey of becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. 


Children are an integral part of all phases of worship at Boiling Springs UMC.

Sunday Worship

10:00 – 11:00am     

Children’s Church and Worship Nursery provided.

We encourage family worship showing that God’s word and love is for everyone. Children are included in all aspects of the service. Each Sunday they hear a special message for children early in the service. The younger children are then invited to attend Children’s Church or Worship Nursery located in the 2 classrooms of the Sandra M Padgett Nursery in the basement of the church.  With the guidance of our Safe Sanctuary Certified staff, children experience age-appropriate activities that help them grow in their faith. Children are dismissed to the care of the parents (or other designated adult) following the service. 

Wonderful Wednesdays

6:30 – 8:00pm     

1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month

The Wonderful Wednesdays season is Full-Steam ahead! These wonderful nights of activities, classes and crafts will take place on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month of the school year in the Family Ministries Building from 6:30-8:00pm.

The evening begins with a fellowship meal followed by age appropriate classes and activities for Youth and Children (toddlers through 5th Grade.)

Remind your kids of the "wonderful" time they'll have with others their age and bring them out! 

Prayer & Praise

Prayer and Praise are a very important part of the worship experience at Boiling Springs UMC. The children share songs, drama and prayer experiences designed for their age group. These activities become a part of the worship experience for the entire church.

Small Group Bible Study

Studying God’s word together in age-appropriate classes and activities.

Serving Others

Children live out their faith as they make a difference in the lives of others.

Spreading the Word

Making disciples for the transformation of the world!


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